Advocacy Alert: Blushing Books 

RWA staff is reviewing complaints against publisher Blushing Books and seeking statements from members who’ve had direct experiences with this publisher, both positive and negative. If you have information (including but not limited to actions that might be in violation of the RWA Industry Code of Conduct) that you wish to share, please reach out to [email protected] by September 9, 2020. Blushing Books has been on a six-month probation since June 2019. While the terms of its probation should have been reviewed at the end of the year per RWA Policy, due to the pandemic and staff turnover, they were not. We apologize to our members for this unacceptable lapse. During this time, the publisher has not been listed as an RWA Qualifying Market or been eligible to participate in RWA events. Thank you in advance for  cooperation and assistance.

December 9, 2020 Update
Please visit our Industry Code Violations page for an update on this matter. Login required.