RWA2020 Video: Inclusion and Equality in Practice
RWA2020 Video: Inclusion and Equality in Practice
RWA2020 Video: Inclusion and Equality in Practice: How Romance Writers and Editors Can Create Change

Speaker: John Jacobson
As diversity and inclusion become increasingly common in romance, we must consider what it means to put those terms into practice rather than use them as buzzwords. In this workshop, John Jacobson (they/them) proposes the creation of a practice within romance publishing that centers and uplifts marginalized voices. They will provide tangible ways that editors and marginalized authors can create a healthy, symbiotic relationship that is liberational and works against oppression. They also will continue a long-standing conversation about how genre romance and all of its participants can aid in the liberation of marginalized people and make our genre a welcoming and affirming space for their stories.
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