Econ 101 of E-book Pricing

Strategies to help you choose the right price for your e-books

By Alisha Bloom, Esq.
Posted on 8/1/2018

If you’re an e-book reader, as many of us are, you probably know what prices e-books are offered at and how much you’re willing to pay for them. You also might have heard other readers say things like, “$12.99 for an e-book? What’s the publisher thinking?” Or, “I don’t bother with free or 99-cent e-books, they’re usually not worth my time.” Or, “I won’t pay more than $2.99 for a new-to-me author, but I’d pay $4.99 or sometimes more for an e-book from an author I love.”

Debunking the Myth of the Muse

How to take control of your creativity and be your own muse

By Liz Lounsbury
Posted on 8/1/2018

We’ve all heard the myth of the muse: the benevolent muse, the loving muse, the annoying muse, the shunning muse. At times, writers laud, compliment, lament, and curse the muse.

Talking Reinvention from the Agent Perspective

By Trish Milburn
Posted on 7/25/2018

The process of an author reinventing herself and her career often doesn’t just involve the author. Choices can be influenced by editors, agents, and even readers. There was a workshop at the RWA Conference this year called Author Reinvention from the Agent Perspective with agents Michelle Grajkowski, Kevan Lyon, and Courtney Miller-Callihan. I caught up with Grajkowski, who—full disclosure—is my agent, about her views on the topic. Agent Pattie Steele-Perkins added her perspective on one of my questions.

Transition to Success: Networking at Conference

Networking at conference

By Donna Alward
Posted on 7/1/2018

With RWA2018 right around the corner, this month’s column centers on the ever-important networking opportunities available for authors. Whether informal or part of a structured event, face-to-face meetings can provide wonderful opportunities to make new connections.

A-Game Advice: Verbal Impact

Verbal impact: what powers your public presence

By Damon Suede
Posted on 7/1/2018

What kind of mojo shapes and steers you as an author?

Crossing the Great Divide: When Traditionally Published Authors Go Indie

Ten things to keep in mind when switching from traditional to self-publishing

By Alyssa Day
Posted on 7/1/2018

A few years ago, I made the decision to take my writing indie. Since I’m a left-brained, analytical person, it took me more than a year to decide to do it, and a good year after that of reading, learning, and talking to authors who were already succeeding in indie publishing before I put up that first book. After more than thirty novels with New York publishers, though, I figured I wouldn’t have much of a learning curve.

Group Brainstorming for Success

A structured group brainstorming session can be an essential addition to an author’s toolkit

By Sherri Shackelford
Posted on 7/1/2018

Brainstorming in a group setting is a tried-and-true method for generating new ideas. Tapping into the creativity of fellow writers can be key to unlocking dynamic plots. For authors who produce multiple books each year, harnessing the power of diverse, creative minds guards against stale writing. Despite having the words “unrestrained” and “spontaneous” in the definition of “brainstorming,” organization and structure are necessary for success.

How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Will Affect You

A breakdown of the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and what it means for writers

By Diane Kelly
Poste don 7/1/2018

Note: The following information applies to writers who operate as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company that reports on a Schedule C for U.S. income tax purposes. An incorporated writing business may be subject to different rules.

Ageless and Evergreen: Web Links that Never Change

How to create links that don’t change—even when the data behind them does

By Mindy Klasky
Posted on 7/1/2018

Here’s a pop quiz: Which came first, the book or the marketing for that book? The answer, of course, is that they evolve simultaneously. Authors typically build excitement about new releases well before books are available for sale.

Have You Considered a Writer Residency?

Get a vital boost to your writing just by changing your surroundings

By Tina Radcliffe
Posted on 7/1/2018

Have you ever imagined packing your bags and leaving the cares of your daily grind behind to focus solely on your writing in an environment that nurtures your creative soul? If so, then consider a writing residency.

Romance Law School Is Now in Session

How to include the law in your fiction in a realistic manner

By Adele Buck
Posted on 6/1/2018

If lawyers have a favorite phrase, it must be, “It depends.” The law can be a complex and shifting area. A single fact can change the outcome of a case. So, if something sounds simple, it’s likely not. But there are some legal plot points that arise in fiction from time to time that range from extremely unlikely to flat-out false.
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