Size Matters. No, Really. (although not the way you might think!)

By Janet W Butler
Posted 7/30/2024

Ever hear the adage, “When you’re learning to write, you should start with short stories.”

This “sage” advice has been around for decades. Some people go so far as to say you shouldn't even consider yourself a writer until you've written and sold short stories, and that it's good preparation for novel writing. Saw that sage advice resurrected again recently, by a writer who ought to know better, and figured the time has come for someone to speak the other side.


9 Science-Backed Tips for Making the Most of Any Conference

By Anne Chase
Posted 7/30/2024

As writers, we plunge our characters into extreme situations without hesitation. But in real life, we might find new experiences—even the logistics and uncertainties of a writers’ conference—a bit daunting.

While new situations in real life can be stressful, they also can lead to amazing personal growth and fulfillment. A 2020 study from Cornell University, for example, found that having new experiences can boost our happiness, self-esteem, and confidence—and even our overall life
satisfaction. This was found to be true at every stage: before, during, after the experience.


The Windup…and the Pitch! Part 1

By Janet W Butler
Posted 7/30/2024

One of the more terrifying aspects of any writers’ conference is that moment when we’re face-to-face with an editor or agent, and they say, “So. Tell me about your work.”

I’ll bet your heart beat a little faster just reading those words. Right?

Sure, it’s scary to sit down and talk about your writing. And it’s also hard for many of us.

Let’s face it: if we were bubbly, talkative introverts, we probably wouldn’t be writers in the first place! So, how about a few tips to make the process less terrifying?

You asked; we answered. Here we go!


Message from the President - July 2024 RWR

Happy July all! I am always shocked when I look up from the writing cave and realize it is already July. I am sure you all can relate.


Deep POV: The Importance of Perception in World Building

By Romy Summer
Posted 6/20/2024

About a million years ago, when I was still bright-eyed and naïve and killing time until I could get into film school, I did a semester of philosophy at university. I had no clue what philosophy was really about or what kinds of crazy ideas I was opening myself up to – but it turned out to be mind-blowing for eighteen-year-old me. Sadly, after all these years, there’s only one thing I still remember from that course: Renaissance philosopher René Descartes’ theory of perception. He’s best known for originating the famous saying, “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am), but, for me, the bit that has stuck with me through the years is how he reached that famous conclusion.


The Writer As Reader — Can This Marriage Be Saved?

By Janet W. Butler
Posted 6/20/2024

More often than not, writers start out as avid readers. We read something wonderful, something that transports us out of our everyday existence, and we want to give that feeling to someone else — or just plain enjoy it again and again ourselves. (As Benjamin Disraeli so elegantly put it, “When I want to read a good book, I write one.”)


Message from the President - June 2024 RWR

A June love letter and thank you note to all those who have done the hard things that created a space for those who came after.


Chapter Spotlight: Southern Magic Chapter

Spotlighting RWA chapters
Posted 6/20/2024

Hello from the Magicians of Southern Magic! The Southern Magic chapter (#178) is based in Birmingham, Alabama, and was established in December 1997. Our name is derived from the nickname for Birmingham, “Magic City,” which the city earned because of its growth between 1881 and 1920. We strive to promote excellence in romantic fiction through educational opportunities to improve both our members’ writing and their marketing skills. Those educational opportunities include everything from individuals sharing their experiences to more formal workshops with experts in various fields.


Write Your ‘Destination Romance’ TV Movie Script Today!

By Scott Kirkpatrick
Posted 6/20/2024

Picture it: an ‘almost’ first kiss exiting a charming Italian gelato shop; a flirty meet/cute in a French vineyard; or an unexpected secret romance with a Royal Prince (travelling incognito of course) on the beaches of a tropical paradise.


Chapter Spotlight: Valley of the Sun Romance Writers

Spotlighting RWA chapters

By Cathy McDavid
Posted 5/15/2024

Valley of the Sun (VOS) became an Arizona RWA chapter in 1994, and like many organizations, we grew comfortable with a format that worked for us. Yes, there were some changes over the years, but not a lot. Then, one day, everything suddenly changed — locally, nationally, and worldwide, leaving VOS, like many RWA chapters, with a loss of members and struggling to hold regular meetings. Our regular meeting location abruptly closed one day without notice and a mere month before the entire nation shut down.


Message from the President - May 2024 RWR

Clair Brett shares her president's message for the May RWR addressing marketing and mental health awareness.

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