Romance Author Mentorship Program
RAMP is here to help you achieve your writing goals no matter the publishing path you decide to pursue! RAMP connects experienced published author mentors with unpublished mentees. Mentors and mentees work closely together to revise the mentee's full manuscript over a sixteen (16) week period and discuss the business of writing.
The program is open only to RWA members with completed romance manuscripts and focuses on both traditional and indie publishing. RAMP culminates with two events for mentees:
- RAMP Pitch Week - a week-long opportunity to virtual pitch the manuscript to featured agents and editors
- Indie Author Weekend - free registration to the virtual 2-day mini conference featuring award winning and best-selling self-published authors, freelance experts, and more.
RAMP up your career with the Romance Author Mentorship Program!
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About RAMP Mentors Mentees Agents/Editors RAMP Mentee Resources Community
About RAMP
RWA’s Romance Author Mentorship Program (RAMP), conceived in 2019 after initial consultation with Pitch Wars founder Brenda Drake, was designed specifically for published romance authors who want to give back to the community and unpublished authors who want the guidance and wisdom of an experienced publish author to help the on their path to publishing. Each one, teach one!
With RAMP, no matter what publishing path mentees are interested in pursuing, the program will help them along their journey. Mentees and mentors work closely together for a period of sixteen (16) weeks to polish the mentee’s manuscript. During RAMP Pitch Week, agents and editors review the mentee’s 50-word pitch and if they like it, they send the mentee a request for submission material (query, synopsis, chapters from the manuscript). During Indie Author Weekend, mentees attend the virtual mini conference free. The 2-day conference features professionals in the indie publishing industry, and award winning, best-selling speakers who have a successful indie publishing career.
Building Community
One of our biggest aims with RAMP is to create a robust community for writers to learn from and support each other. Once selected, mentees will be subscribed to a forum where they can share advice, resources and encouragement. After they complete the program, mentees are eligible to join RAMP Alumni forum where they can continue to share advice, resources, good news, and encouragement with others who have gone through RAMP. The RAMP Alumni forum is also a place where former mentees will learn of RAMP events that they are eligible to participate in.
But mentees don’t get to have all the fun! Mentors will have their own forum to share advice and resources during the mentoring process. Each mentor gets a spotlight in the digital RWR, one free registration to an RWA University webinar, mentor ribbon to attach to the RWA Annual Conference badge, and a guaranteed spot in the Swag Room at the RWA Annual Conference.
How does it work?
After mentors are chosen by the RAMP Coordinator, mentee applicants will be able to view their bios and wish lists and pick five (5) to whom they wish to submit their work. Applicants must complete the application and upload the required submission materials. Each mentor will select one or two mentees to work with on a full manuscript revision, a query letter, a 50-word pitch, a synopsis or a back cover blurb, as well as answer questions about the business of writing and reaching publishing goals.
Once the sixteen (16) week revision period is complete, mentees post their 50-word pitch and contact information on a designated forum for participating agents and editors to review and potentially request more material from those that interest them. Mentees attend the 2-day, virtual Indie Author Weekend– a min conference where they learn about self-publishing from award winning, best-selling indie authors and other professionals.
Our goal is for RAMP mentees to have accurate information about different publishing paths, so all mentees are highly encouraged to participate in both events!
Who can participate?
The RAMP program is only open to RWA members.
Mentors must be RWA members who are General PAN, PAN-Eligible, PAN-Provisional or PAN-Equivalent.
Mentees can be RWA General or Associate-Writer members, unpublished.
Agents must meet the qualifications to be considered "RWA-Eligible." Editors must work for a publishing company or imprint that meets the qualifications to be considered a "Qualifying Market."
In a Nutshell
RAMP, or the Romance Author Mentorship Program, connects experienced published RWA members with mentees who are unpublished for a 16-weeks period in which they work closely together to revise the mentee’s full manuscript and write a query letter, 50-word pitch, synopsis or back cover blurb. The program culminates in two events, RAMP Pitch Week and free registration to Indie Author Weekend. Mentees are encouraged to participate in both.
How do I participate?
Mentor applications open August 5, 2024. Mentee submissions open September 18, 2024.
2024 Schedule
August 5: Mentor applications open August 24: Mentor applications close September 13: Mentors announced September 18: Mentee applications open October 9: Mentee applications close October 16: Mentees announced January during Indie Author Weekend: RAMP Pitch Week
RAMP Mentors
If you're looking for a way to give back to the romance writing community, if you have advice and insight you'd love to share, we encourage you to apply to become a RAMP Mentor! While mentorship is a commitment--of time and of energy--the rewards that come with lifting up your fellow writers and becoming part of their success story are invaluable. Read on to find out the ins and outs of mentoring through RWA's Romance Author Mentorship Program.
Become a Mentor
The Mentor application deadline is August 24, 2024.
Please check back in early 2025 for information on next year's program.
Mentor Guidelines
RWA members who are General PAN, PAN-Eligible, PAN Provisional or PAN-Equivalent, are eligible to apply to be RAMP Mentors. Mentors will be selected by RWA Staff.
Mentors will participate in a four-week period of reviewing of mentee applications to select one or two mentees to work with followed by a sixteen-week period where they will work with their mentee(s) on a manuscript revision, a 50-word pitch, query letter, synopsis or back cover blurb, as well as answer questions about the business of writing.
Minimally, we expect mentors to:
- Perform one edit round on the full manuscript and provide feedback to the mentee in a mutually agreed upon format
- Perform one edit round on a 50-word pitch, and either a query letter, a synopsis, or a back cover blurb, depending on mentee's preference
- Answer questions about the business of writing, publishing, and reaching their indie-author or traditionally-published goals.
Optionally, mentors may want to perform a final read-through of their mentee's manuscript before the showcase begins.
The Process
Once selected, mentors’ wish lists and link to their “about page'' on their website will be posted for potential mentees to view. After the close of the mentee submission period, mentors will receive a link to a folder containing the applications of the mentees who wish to work with them. Mentors have four weeks to review the applications and submission materials, which includes a 250 word or less story summary and the first three chapters of a completed manuscript, and choose who they would like to work with.
Mentors will work with their mentees over the course of sixteen (16) weeks to revise the full manuscript, a 50-word pitch, and either a query letter, synopsis, or back cover blurb, and answer questions about the business of writing.
The goal at the end of the program is for the mentee to have a manuscript and collateral materials that are ready to submit to an editor or agent, or ready to go to a proofreader before self-publication.
If you have questions, please contact [email protected] or check out our Mentor FAQs below.
What's in a Wish List?
A wish list contains all the information potential mentees will know if you are the right person to whom they should submit their manuscript. A wish list will help them get to know you, what your strengths are, what you’re looking for in a manuscript, what you’re not looking for in a manuscript, and maybe a little about the type of mentee you think you’d work well with.
Some information you can include:
- Link to website's "About Page"
- Subgenres I’m Looking For
- Subgenres I Do Not Want
- Themes and Tropes I Love
- Themes and Tropes I Stay Away From
- My Mentor Style
- Writing Craft Strengths
- Publishing Strengths
- Mentee's Ideal Publishing Path
And anything else you feel would help connect the right mentee to you!
RAMP Mentor Forum
Each mentor will be subscribed to a dedicated forum to interact with fellow mentors, sharing advice and encouragement during the run of the program.
Selected 2024 Mentors will have access to their forum beginning Mid-September, 2024.
RAMP 2024 Community Forum
Each mentor and mentee will be subscribed to this dedicated forum to receive RAMP specific announcements. Mentors and mentees will be subscribed to the community forum beginning November 4, 2024.
Important Mentor Dates for RAMP 2024
August 5: Mentor applications open August 24: Mentor applications close September 13: Mentors announced September 18: Zoom meeting with mentors October 10-15: Select a mentee October 16: Mentees announced October 18: Zoom meeting with mentors and mentees November 4: RAMP 2024 begins October Date TBA: Pen2Paper/RAMP Mixer at RWA Annual Conference February 14: Last day of 16-week period
2024 RAMP Mentors
Mentor FAQs
Do I have to be an RWA member? Yes. Eligible mentors must be RWA members who are General PAN, PAN-Eligible, PAN-Provisional or PAN-Equivalent.
Do I have to be agented or have prior mentor experience to apply? Being agented or having prior mentor experience are not required.
What if I am not interested in any of the mentee submissions I receive? All mentors will have access to a 2nd Chance folder where they can review mentee applications and submission materials that were not selected by a mentor. If you cannot find a mentor in that folder, contact [email protected].
Can I request more information from my mentee applicants? Yes, you will be able to request more materials or ask questions by sending the name of the applicant and your request or question to [email protected].
What if I choose the same mentee as another mentor? In the event mentors choose the same mentee applicant we will check the application to determine the order in which the mentee lists each mentor (i.e. 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice). The mentor who placed highest on the mentee’s list will mentor that mentee.
What if I am selected and can't complete the mentor requirements? Contact [email protected] immediately so we can attempt to reassign your mentee.
What if I can't get in touch with my mentee or am having other issues? Contact [email protected].
RAMP Mentees
RWA's Romance Author Mentorship Program is here to help members RAMP up their writing career! If you've never been published and need some guidance to make your latest manuscript the best it can be, we encourage you to apply to become a RAMP mentee!
As a mentee, you'll be paired with an experienced published author who will work with you through a full manuscript revision over a sixteen (16) week period and discuss the business of writing. At the end, you'll be able to participate in a pitch event with agents and editors and receive free registration for Indie Author Weekend.
Become a Mentee
Mentee applications close October 9, 2024.
RWA General and Associate-Writer Members who have not been a 2022 or 2023 RAMP mentee.
Applicants must be unpublished.
Applicants must have a completed, polished manuscript at the time of entry. This means the manuscript has gone through the editorial process of individuals who know the craft of writing romance (critique partners, beta readers, a freelance editor, et al). The mentors' job is to work with you to make your manuscript the best it can be, not to edit it from the ground up.
Applicant’s manuscript is not out on submission to an agent or editor.
Application Submission Requirements
Applicants may only submit one manuscript.
Submitted manuscripts must:
- Be a work of original Romance Fiction, which means the work contains a central love story, and the resolution of the romance must be emotionally satisfying and optimistic
- Be complete and have gone through the editorial process of individuals who know the craft of writing romance (critique partners, beta readers, a freelance editor, et al), with a word count totaling at least 40,000 words
- Be previously unpublished
- Not be published until after the RWA Pitch Showcase has ended, if the applicant is selected as a mentee (this only applies to the manuscript submitted for RAMP, not to any other works by the author)
- Not be out on submission to an agent or editor until after the RAMP Pitch Showcase has ended, if the applicant is selected as a mentee (this only applies to the manuscript submitted for RAMP, not to any other works by the author)
Submission Materials
Applicants must upload the following on their application, each as separate PDF Files:
- Story Summary (one page, single-spaced, 12-point font, 1" margins)
- First 3 chapters (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1" margins)
- Full manuscript (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1" margins. Please note: you are asked to supply the full version of their manuscript so that RWA staff can verify that it is complete per requirements. The full manuscript will not be shared with anyone outside of RWA staff and will be deleted upon verification.
These files will be sent to all mentors to whom you identify as the ones you want to work with. They should not be personalized to any mentor. Incomplete applications will not move forward in the RAMP process.
Mentors may request more material or ask follow up questions to help with their selection.
The Process
Before the mentee application opens, potential mentees will be able to review the bio and wish list of participating mentors. Once applications open, mentees will be able to select up to five (5) mentors to whom they wish to submit their work. Not all mentee applicants will be accepted by a mentor.
Applicants must complete an application and submit the required materials as listed under Submission Materials. The mentors will review the application, story summary, and first three chapters of the completed manuscript during a period of four weeks before selecting a mentee with whom they wish to work.
All applicants will be notified via email of their status no less than 24-hours prior to the announcement of selected mentees.
Selected mentees will then work with their mentors over the course of 16-week. The goal at the end of this period is for the mentee to have a manuscript and collateral materials that are ready to submit to an editor or agent, or ready to go to a copy editor or proofreader before self-publication.
What to Expect from Your Mentor
Minimally, we expect mentors to:
Perform one edit round on the full manuscript and provide feedback to the mentee in a mutually agreed upon format
Perform one edit round on either a query letter, 50-word pitch, and/or a back cover blurb, depending on mentee’s preference
Answer questions about the business of writing, publishing, and reaching their indie-author or traditionally-published goals.
Optionally, mentors may elect to perform a final read-through of their mentee's manuscript before the showcase begins.
The Big Events!
RAMP Pitch Showcase
RAMP will culminate in a pitch showcase.
During the week-long RAMP Pitch Showcase, mentees will submit a 50-word pitch to a group community forum. Participating agents and editors will be able to review the pitch and request more materials from those that interest them.
Indie Author Weekend
RAMP mentees who complete the full sixteen (16) weeks will receive free registration to RWA’s Indie Author Weekend.
This 2-day, virtual mini conference is an opportunity to gain a realistic working knowledge of what goes into self-publishing a romance novel, develop strategies to set yourself up for success, meet some major players who are important pieces to self-publishing, and get straight answers to your questions about self-publishing a romance novel that sells.
Important Mentee Dates for RAMP 2024
September 18: Mentee applications open October 9: Mentee applications close October 14: Applicants notified of their status October 16: Mentees announced October 18: Zoom meeting with mentors and mentees November 4: RAMP 2023 begins October Date TBA: Pen2Paper/RAMP Mixer at RWA Annual Conference TBD: Email invitation sent to join pitch forum January 2025- Indie Author Weekend: RAMP Pitch Week (RAMP mentees post 50-word pitch) TBA: Agents and editors review pitches up until TBA January 2025: Indie Author Weekend
2024 RAMP Mentees
*Manuscript Co-authors
RAMP Agents and Editors
*RAMP Pitch Week featuring Agents and Editors: January 2025 - During India Author Weekend*
The world of romance publishing is ever-changing, and we are excited to bring you a different way to find amazing new stories and fresh voices. As a RAMP agent or editor, you will be able to review romance manuscripts that have been through a rigorous revision process in order to be made submission-ready.
During RAMP Pitch Week, agents and editors will have access to a forum where they can review mentees’ 50-word pitches and contact information. Reply with requests for more materials from any that grab your attention!
Register to Participate as an Agent or Editor
Agents and editors can participate in RAMP Pitch Week by responding to the emailed invitation or email a request to [email protected] no later than TBA.
Guidelines for Agents and Editors
Agents must meet the qualifications to be considered "RWA-Eligible" at the time of the showcase.
Editors must work for a publishing company or imprint that meets the qualifications to be considered a "Qualifying Market" at the time of the showcase.
How do I know if I meet the qualifications to be "RWA-Eligible" or part of a "Qualifying Market"?
Email [email protected] for more information on this designation.
Do I have to attend the RWA Annual Conference to participate in RAMP?
No, attendance at the conference is not a requirement. Please note, if you attend and participate in the in-person pitch sessions with conference attendees, your conference registration fee is waived and you are guaranteed a room at the conference hotel at the conference discounted rate.
During the Pitch Showcase, how do I request more material from a mentee?
Use the contact information included with the 50-word pitch to request more material from the mentee.
What if I am unable to participate in the RAMP Pitch Showcase?
Please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.
Participating Agents and Editors
Important Dates for RAMP 2024 October Date TBA: Pen2Paper/RAMP Mixer at the RWA 2023 Annual Conference TBD: Email invitation sent to join RAMP Pitch forum TBD: RAMP mentees post 50-word pitch on RWA sponsored forum TBD: Agents and Editors review mentees’ 50-word pitches
RAMP Mentee Resources
RWA has many great member resources that can help you with your craft and career. Below, we've compiled a few relevant to your RAMP project.
Author Survival Guide: How to Write Compelling Back-Cover Copy by Nicole Fischer RWA2019 Audio: Synopses Blurbs and Marketing Hooks with Julia Kelly and Alisha Rai
Author Survival Guide: What to Consider as You Embark on Self-Publishing by Maria Connor Author Survival Guide: What to Ask an Agent by Tricia Skinner Author Survival Guide: What to Look for in a Publishing Contract by Mindy Klasky Author Survival Guide: How to Create a Business Plan for Your Writing Career by Stephanie Bond RWA2020 Audio: From Heart to Page to Print: A Primer Guide to Book Publishing with Savannah J. Frierson RWA2020 Audio: Long Game with Nikki Sloane RWA2020 Audio: Planning Your Career: An Agent's Point of View with Michelle Grajkowski Things I Wish I’d Known Before Becoming a Published Author with Amanda Renee
Article: Passion, Productivity, and Technology: Your Author Community by LaQuette Article: You Want Me to Change That? How to Receive Constructive Criticism by Katie McCoach Article: The Best Writers Groups: More than Critiquing by Kristy Demas
Going Indie
Article: Working with a Cover Designer by Ruth Kaufman Article: The Ins and Outs of E-books by Ceileigh Mangalam Article: Selling into Non-US Markets by Cathy Maxwell Article: Tantalizing Taglines by Siri Caldwell Article: Find the Right Place for your Project by Kate Pearce
Webinar: Panic-Free Pitching with Rayna Vause Two-Minute Tip: Loglines with Rosie Danan Article: Poised to Pitch: Calm Your Nerves and Share Your Story by Stephanie L. Spann
RWA2018 Audio: Crafting a Slam Dunk Hook and Query with Mary Altman and Cat Clyne RWA2019 Audio: Submission 101 with Catherine Mann and Joanne Rock
Webinar: Self-Editing Your Style and Syntax with Jeanne De Vita Two Minute Tip: Line Editing with Ally Carter RWA2020 Audio: How to Edit Your Book Using Character-Driven Details with Roan Parrish Tackling and Triaging Manuscript Feedback with Jennifer Borgioli Binis
RWA2019 Audio: Keep it Brief: The Synopsis in 850 Words with Anna Alexander RWA2019 Audio: Writing the Synopsis That Works for You with Colleen Thompson RWA2018 Audio: Writing Synopses that Grip Editors with Julia Kelly and Alisha Rai
RAMP Community
One of our biggest aims with RAMP is to create a robust community for writers to learn from and support each other as they work to achieve their publishing dreams. Each mentee class will have their own dedicated forum. Once their term is completed, mentees will be subscribed to the RAMP Alumni forum.