Dragging Prose: 7 Ways to Cure the Sagging Middle of Your Romance Novel

By Adrienne deWolfe
Posted 4/10/2024

Even if you’ve never heard the term, “sagging middle,” the Reader inside you is well-acquainted with the warning signs:

  • You grow impatient.
  • Your mind wanders.
  • You begin to skim.

In essence, the author has lost your interest.


Failing Forward with S. C. I. E. N. C. E

By Siera London
Posted on 3/14/2024

I self-published my first romance book in March 2015. Back then, I could write for 10-14 hours a day, fueled by the words in my head and the clawing need to give my characters their hard-earned happily ever after.


The Complicated Concept of Pacing

By Timothy Robare
Posted on 3/14/2024

Quick, slow, quick, slow, medium? Pacing may be one of the most complicated concepts in writing. As an author, judging how to pace a story is either natural or very planned. Don’t get pacing and speed mixed up, because pacing is all about the movement of the story, the flow. If the flow or pace is jumbled or not fluid, then it will cause many issues for the reader. Keep in mind that different genres use different flows.


Message from the President - March 2024 RWR

In the March issue of the RWR, Clair Brett shares a message for Women's History Month.


Plot and Pacing Pointers for Today's Commercial Fiction

By Jane Porter
Posted on 3/14/2024

In the thirteen-plus years it took me to sell my first book, I learned a lot about the craft of writing, and how to develop characters and focus my dialogue, but I continued to struggle with pacing, receiving nice rejections that loved my heroes, and the sexual tension, but editors weren’t pleased with my “uneven pacing”, or “sagging middle”, and so I stopped submitting and spent a year studying my craft.  Now pacing is one of my strengths.


Chapter Spotlight: Romance Writers of America/NYC Inc.

Spotlighting RWA chapters
Posted on 3/14/2024

Our chapter was started in 1986. Currently we have 43 members. Since we conduct our monthly meetings via Zoom, our members attend from all over the US. This year we have two new board members, Candace Lucas (Katy Berritt) as president and Jean Joachim as treasurer while Barbara James continues to act as secretary and Ursula Shand (Renee) as program committee chairman.


Unlock the Mystery of Pacing: Make Sure Your Reader Knows How to Keep Score

By Helen C. Johannes
Posted on 3/14/2024

Not knowing what’s at stake for the characters in a story/scene is like watching a game in a sport where you have no idea of the rules or even the teams. There’s a lot of noise and movement, but if you don’t know what it means—who’s winning and who’s losing—you’re soon bored and ready to leave.


Voices Carry As You Know, Bob: When Characters Need to Shut Up

By Siri Caldwell
Posted on 3/14/2024

Dialogue is a great tool for telling your story, but it’s not your only tool.

In certain situations, dialogue can backfire. One such situation is affectionately known as “As You Know, Bob.”


What Keeps A Reader Reading?

By Helen C. Johannes
Posted on 2/8/2024

Story and character, obviously. If a reader is engaged in the story, she/he wants to know what happens next. But how do authors hook the reader into turning those pages well past bedtime or the end of lunch break/commute?


Chapter Spotlight: Hearts Through History

Spotlighting RWA chapters
Posted on 2/8/2024

The Hearts Through History chapter of RWA discusses different aspects of the historical romance genre and how we as writers can further promote romance fiction.


One Question, Three Perspectives: How to Pitch Like a Pro

By Ann Kellett
Posted on 2/8/2024

New to pitching—and perhaps even a little (or a lot) intimidated by the whole process? Join the club!

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